kenneth eng does not like black people

asian week has issued an apology for publishing a column by writer kenneth eng entitled “why i hate blacks.” the column was featured in the february 23rd issue, just in time for black history month.

AsianWeek sincerely regrets and apologizes for publishing New York-based contributor Kenneth Eng’s column in the issue of February 23, 2007. AsianWeek rejects Eng’s biased views on a critical segment of American society, African Americans.

While AsianWeek continues to truly believe in diversity of opinion and freedom of the press, we are also very aware that the promotion of hate speech is not appropriate, nor should it be encouraged.


not only was eng’s column about why he hates african americans, but it also attempted to justify why all asians should be anti-black and discrimate against us. in moments like these, i always wonder if editors and higher-ups don’t just let this kinda stuff slip through the cracks just to generate buzz. you mean to tell me that no one realized that this was going to print? they didn’t even have to read past the title to see where it was headed.

Here is a list of reasons why we should discriminate against blacks, starting from the most obvious down to the least obvious:

• Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.

In my experience, I would say about 90 percent of blacks I have met, regardless of age or environment, poke fun at the very sight of an Asian. Furthermore, their activity in the media proves their hatred: Rush Hour, Exit Wounds, Hot 97, etc.


• Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years. It’s unbelievable that it took them that long to fight back.

On the other hand, we slaughtered the Russians in the Japanese-Russo War.

• Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including Reverend Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.

Yet, at the same time, they spend much of their time whining about how much they hate “the whites that oppressed them.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Christianity the religion that the whites forced upon them?

• Blacks don’t get it. I know it’s a blunt and crass comment, but it’s true. When I was in high school, I recall a class debate in which one half of the class was chosen to defend black slavery and the other half was chosen to defend liberation.

Disturbingly, blacks on the prior side viciously defended slavery as well as Christianity. They say if you don’t study history, you’re condemned to repeat it.

In high school, I only remember one black student ever attending any of my honors and AP courses. And that student was caught cheating.

It is rather troubling that they are treated as heroes, but then again, whites will do anything to defend them.


blackinthecity has the whole rundown, including the transcript of the interview with john gibson on fox news. my hope is the people reading and being affected by his opinions can use this moment as a catalyst for solicarity building more than anything else. some asian organizers, academics, and professionals have already begun the work, read more here.


~ by Anayah on March 7, 2007.

One Response to “kenneth eng does not like black people”

  1. hey ediot we were not slave for 300 year. stupid punk u are saying black people doesnt use thier brain oh plz let see ur. your grand parents were in slave. think about it at list our grand parent earn freedom with no help.u think asian ppl are better thank black. hhahahah who is tryin to be like us in hip hop, basketball, music, kramp dancing was our thing from brith.
    if u think black are not smart as asain tell ur punk race to stop actin black becouse they’re gettin in my nerve.i dont think they can read this becouse u know their eye is tooooooooooooo freakin tiny

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